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Due to the emergence of Digital Transformation, today’s organizations have a critical choice to make. They can either embrace the changes brought about by the new environment or become a laggard. According to IBM, by 2020, around 85% of customer service interactions will be conducted without a human being. Through the use of AI and machine learning, these technologies will allow businesses to deliver better customer service. Ambitious digital-driven startups are creating and cornering new markets in every sector. And yet, most legacy businesses continue to operate by old playbooks. Most are not keeping pace with the changes in their industry, let alone leading the way? what are you and your company doing? In this course, program, you will understand the three types of players that are shaping the new business landscape; the three phases of transformation that every firm will encounter on its journey to business reinvention; and the three winning moves that will ensure your business success along the way.
This highly practical and interactive course has been specifically designed for:
Board Directors | CxO Leaders | Chief Internal Auditors | Chief Risk Officers | Governance Professionals | Finance Professionals | HR Professionals | Marketing Professionals | Engineers | Managers and Executives | Strategy and Innovation Professionals | Data Scientists | Business Intelligence Professionals | Business Analysts | System Analysts | Risk and Compliance Analysts | Finance and Operational Auditors | IS Auditors
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